'All is Fair, and We Sing' Side One, 2020, Interim Show Final Piece, Acrylic, Oil Pastel and Chalk on Wood, Hung with Climbing Rope

'All is Fair, and We Sing' Side Two, 2020, Interim Show Final Piece, Acrylic, Oil Pastel and Chalk on Wood, Hung with Climbing Rope

Love Letters to the Mountains
This series of paintings and oil pastel drawings are a declaration of my love for the mountains. Using my own poetry, and referencing my own mountain photography, 'Love Letters to the Mountains' is the culmination of all of my climbing artwork, and my largest project to date, appearing in my interim exhibition
Some of my original paintings in this series are now available in my shop!
2019 - 2022

'oh, to crawl into that deep belly' , acrylic, oil pastel and pencil on fabric, 2020
Due to lockdown, I had to reformat my work as I could no longer make my large scale wooden paintings. Instead, I reimagined the work onto fabric, allowing the work to become portable and therefore give it new meaning. This new format took on the new purpose of 'pilgrimage' - since the work was now portable, I wanted to eventually take it to the mountains and return the work to the place I am declaring my love for through it.

'one day, one day' - Submission for the series 'Windows into Isolation' for Content Free by Livia Carpineto

'i miss your grand silence', oil pastel and pencil on paper, 2020 (available as a print)

'sharp teeth and hard bite', oil pastel and pencil on paper, 2020 (available as a print)